Letter from Leslie Stephen to Thomas Hardy, 12 March 1874

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8 Southwell Gardens

South Kensington

My dear Mr Hardy

I have read your proofs as corrected & I think that every thing now runs very smoothly.

The story improves as it goes on & I hear nothing but good of it.

I have ventured to leave out a line or two in the last batch of proofs from an excessive prudery of wh. I am ashamed; but one is forced to be absurdly particular. May I suggest that Troy's [Page 2] seduction of the young woman will require to be treated in a gingerly fashion, when, as I suppose must be the case, he comes to be exposed to his wife? I mean that the thing must be stated but that the words must be careful - excuse ^excuse^ this wretched shred of concession to popular stupidity; but I am a slave.

I hope to see you soon.

Yours in haste

L Stephen
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