Fictional county in Thomas Hardy's works based on Berkshire, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire
Wessex was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in the south of Great Britain, from 519 until England was unified by Æthelstan in the early 10th century.
General References
Letters (3)
17th January, 1914: Letter from Florence Henniker to Thomas Hardy [H.3175]
Letter from Florence Henniker to Thomas Hardy on poetry, film adaptation and performing animals, 17 January 1914
8th June, 1921: Letter from Scofield Thayer to Thomas Hardy [H.4815]
Letter from Scofield Thayer to Thomas Hardy acknowledging receipt of the poem The Two Houses for the Dial, 8 June 1921
5th July, 1921: Letter from Florence Henniker to Thomas Hardy [H.3191]
Letter from Florence Henniker to Thomas Hardy about film adaptations and various other matters, 5 July 1921